Thursday, September 13, 2007


ADOLESCENTS; CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE TEST; FAMILIAL; IMPULSIVITY; PARENTS Dougherty, Donald M., {et al.}. Familial transmission of continuous performance test behavior: attentional and impulsive response characteristics. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 January 130: 1 5

ADULTS; CHILDREN; DIRECTED FORGETTING; ENCODING; INHIBITION; SEMANTIC MEMORY Lehman, Elyse Brauch… {et al.}. Directed forgetting of related words: evidence for the inefficient inhibition hypothesis. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 October 130: 4 380

ADVISING RELATIONSHIPS Schlosser, Lewis Z… {et al.}. A qualitative examination of graduate advising relationships: the advisee perspective. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 April 50: 2 178

AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL; CONFIRMATORY FACTOR ANALYSIS; DYNAMIC SPATIAL TESTS; SPATIAL ABILITY; SPATIAL TESTS Contreras, Ma Jose. Is static spatial performance distinguishable from dynamic spatial performance? A latent-variable analysis. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 July 130: 3 277

ALLIANCE DEVELOPMENT Stiles, William B… {et al.}. Patterns of alliance development andthe rupture-repair hypothesis: are productive relationships u-shaped or v-shaped? Journal of Counseling Psychology 2004 January 51:1 81

ANGER Deffenbacher, Jerry L… {et al.}. Characteristics of two groups of angry drivers. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 April 50: 2 123

ANXIETY; FEAR; SPIDER PHOBIA; THOUGHT SUPPRESSION Wenzel, Amy, Tara C. Barth and Craig S. Holt. Thought suppression in spider-fearful and nonfearful individuals. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 April 130: 2 191

ASSAULTS; MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS; TRAUMA; VICTIMIZATION Arthur, Gary L., Joel O. Brende and Stacy E. Quiroz. Violence: incidence and frequency of physical and psychological assaults affecting mental health providers in Georgia. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 January 130: 1 22

ATTENTION; AUTOMATICITY; READING Marmurek, Harvey H. C. Coloring only a single letter does not eliminate color-word interference in a vocal-response stroop task: automaticity revealed. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 April 130: 2 207

AUDITORY ADAPTATION; CONTRAST; IPSILATERAL COMPARISON PARADIGM; LOUDNESS ADAPTATION Jones, Keith S… {et al.}. Loudness adaptation: fact or artifact?. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 October 130: 4 341

AVOIDANCE BEHAVIOR; EXPECTACY; FEAR; S-R THEORY; S-S THEORY Unger, William… {et al}. The S-S construct of expectancy versus the S-R construct of fear: which motivates the acquisition of avoidance behavior?. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 April 130: 2 131

BODY FOCUS; BODY SIZE; GENDER Lokken, Kristine… et al}. Gender differences in body size dissatisfaction among individuals with low, medium, or high levels of body focus. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 July 130: 3 305

BULIMIA Cashel, Mary Louise… {et al.}. Sociocultural attitudes and symptoms of Bulimia: evaluating the SATAQ with diverse college groups. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 July 50: 3 287

CAFFEINE; JUDGMENTS OF LEARNING; METAMEMORY; STATE-DEPENDENT MEMORY Kellemen, William L. and Catherine E. Creeley. State-dependent memory effects using caffeine and placebo do not extend to metamemory. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 January 130: 1 70

CAREER; POSSIBLE SELVES Robinson, Barbara S., Kathleen L. Davis and Naomi M. Meara. Motivational attributes of occupational possible selves for low-income rural women. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 April 50: 2 156

CAREER CHOICE Caldera, Yvonne M… {et al.}. Intrapersonal, familial, and cultural factors in the commitment to a career choice of Mexican American and non-Hispanic white college women. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 July 50: 3 309

CAREER CHOICE Lent, Robert W… {et al.}. Relation of contextual supports and barriers to choice behavior in engineering majors: test of alternative social cognitive models. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 October 50:4 458

CAREER CHOICES Nauta, Margaret M. and Douglas L. Epperson. A longitudinal examination of the social-cognitive model applied to high school girls’ choices of nontraditional college majors and aspirations. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 October 50:4 448

CAREER INDECISION Guay, Frederic… {et al.}. Predicting career indecision: a self-determination theory perspective. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 April 50: 2 165

CAUSAL REASONING; CONDITIONALIZING; CONTINGENCY LEARNING; HUMANS Goodie, Adam S., Cristina C. Williams and C.L. Crooks. Controlling for causally relevant third variables. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 October 130: 4 415

CENTRAL DETAILS; EYEWITNESS TESTIMONY; TRAUMATIC EVENTS Riniolo, Todd C… {et al.}. An archival study of eyewitness memory of the Titanic’s final plunge. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 January 130: 1 89

CHILDREN; EVENT-RELATED POTENTIALS; ND; P3; RESPONSE SELECTION; SELECTIVE ATTENTION; STIMULUS SELECTION Bartgis, Jami, Alesha R. Lilly and David G. Thomas. Event-related potential and behavioral measures of attention in 5-, 7-, and 9-year-olds. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 July 130: 3 311

CLIENT ATTACHMENT Woodhouse, Susan S… {et al.}. Client attachment to therapist: relations to transference and client recollections of parental caregiving. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 October 50:4 395

CLIENT GIFTS Knox, Sarah… {et al.}. Here’s a little something for you: how therapists respond to client gifts. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 April 50: 2 199

CLINICAL DECISION ERRORS; RELIABILITY; TRUE SCORES; TRUE-SCORE CONFIDENCE INTERVALS Charter, Richard A. A breakdown of reliability coefficients by test type and reliability method, and the clinical implications of low reliability. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 July 130: 3 290

CONDITIONED TASTE AVERSION; CS-PREEXPOSURE EFFECT; GOLDEN HAMSTER; LEARNED SAFETY Dibattista, David, Laurie Hollis-Walker and Leslie Hague. The CS-preexposure effect in conditioned taste-aversion learning in golden hamsters. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 October 130: 4 446

CONSUMER SATISFACTION Nielsen, Stevan Lars… {et al.}. The consumer reports effectiveness score: what did consumers report? Journal of counseling psychology 2004 January 51:1 25

COPING Wei, Meifen, P. Paul Heppner and Brent Mallinckrodt. Perceived coping as a mediator between attachment and psychological distress: a structural equation modeling approach. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 October 50:4 438

CROSS-RACIAL PSYCHOTHERAPY Knox, Sarah… {et al.}. African American and European American therapists’ experiences of addressing race in cross-racial psychotherapy dyads. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 October 50:4 466

DEPENDENT CORRELATIONS; MONTE CARLO SIMULATION; STATISTICAL POWER; TYPE I ERROR RATE; SERO-ORDER Hittner, James B., Kim May and N. Clayton Silver. A Monte Carlo evaluation of tests for comparing dependent correlations. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 April 130: 2 149

DISABILITY IMPACT AND CAREER WOMEN Noonan, Brigid M… {et al.}. Challenge and success: a qualitative study of the career development of highly achieving women with physical and sensory disabilities. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2004 January 51:1 68

DRAWING; IMAGERY; KEYWORD METHOD; MNEMONIC; RECALL Campos, Alfredo, Maria Angeles Gonzales and Angeles Amor. Limitations of the mnemonic-keyword method. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 October 130: 4 399

DREAM SESSIONS Hill, Clara E… {et al.}. Working with dreams using the Hill cognitive-experiential model: a comparison of computer-assisted, therapist empathy, and therapist empathy + input conditions. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 April 50: 2 211

DYNAMIC ATTENDING; RHYTHM PERCEPTION; TEMPORAL REGULARITY Tekman, Hassan Gurkan. Effects of accenting and regularity on the detection of temporal deviations: does regularity facilitate performance?. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 July 130: 3 247


EATING DISORDERS Tylka, Tracy L. and Linda Mezydlo Subich. Revisiting the latent structure of eating disorders: taxometric analyses with nonbehavioral indicators. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 July 50: 3 276

EMPLOYEE SELECTION; IMPRESSION FORMATION; INTENTIONAL FORGETTING Oien, Kathryn M. and Philip N. Goernert. The role of intentional forgetting in employee selection. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 January 130: 1 97

ETHNIC DISCRIMINATION Lee, Richard M. Do ethnic identity and other-group orientation protect against discrimination for Asian Amercians?. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 April 50: 2 133

ETHNOCULTURAL EMPATHY Wang, Yu-Wei… {et al.}. The scale of ethnocultural empathy: development, validation, and reliability. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 April 50:2 221

F TEST; INCOMPLETE BETA FUNCTION; RANDOMIZATION TEST; STUDENT’S T TEST Dunlap, William P. Some thoughts regarding the sensitivity of t to error in estimated within-group variance. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 January 130: 1 59

FACE DETECTION; FACE RECOGNITION; SPATIAL-FREQUENCY INFORMATION Kornowski, Jane A. and J. Timothy Petersik. Effects on face recognition of spatial- frequency information contained in inspection and test stimuli. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 July 130: 3 229

GENDER ROLES Zamarripa, Manuel X., Bruce E. Wampold and Erik Gregory. Male gender role conflict, depression, and anxiety: clarification and generalizability to women. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 July 50: 3 333

GENERATION EFFECT; LEGAL NONWORDS; LEXICAL ACTIVATION; MEMORY Lutz, John, Amanda Briggs and Kristy Cain. An examination of the value of the generation effect for learning new material. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 April 130: 2 171

HELP-SEEKING BEHAVIORS Timlin-Scalera, Rebecca M. {et al.}. A grounded theory study of help-seeking behaviors among white male high school students. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 July 50: 3 339

HETEROSEXISM Smith, Nathan Grant and Kathleen M. Ingram. Workplace heterosexism and adjustment among lesbian, gay and bisexual individuals: The role of unsupportive social interactions. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2004 January 51:1 57


EATING DISORDERS Tylka, Tracy L. and Linda Mezydlo Subich. Revisiting the latent structure of eating disorders: taxometric analyses with nonbehavioral indicators. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 July 50: 3 276

EMPLOYEE SELECTION; IMPRESSION FORMATION; INTENTIONAL FORGETTING Oien, Kathryn M. and Philip N. Goernert. The role of intentional forgetting in employee selection. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 January 130: 1 97

ETHNIC DISCRIMINATION Lee, Richard M. Do ethnic identity and other-group orientation protect against discrimination for Asian Amercians?. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 April 50: 2 133

ETHNOCULTURAL EMPATHY Wang, Yu-Wei… {et al.}. The scale of ethnocultural empathy: development, validation, and reliability. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 April 50:2 221

F TEST; INCOMPLETE BETA FUNCTION; RANDOMIZATION TEST; STUDENT’S T TEST Dunlap, William P. Some thoughts regarding the sensitivity of t to error in estimated within-group variance. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 January 130: 1 59

FACE DETECTION; FACE RECOGNITION; SPATIAL-FREQUENCY INFORMATION Kornowski, Jane A. and J. Timothy Petersik. Effects on face recognition of spatial- frequency information contained in inspection and test stimuli. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 July 130: 3 229

GENDER ROLES Zamarripa, Manuel X., Bruce E. Wampold and Erik Gregory. Male gender role conflict, depression, and anxiety: clarification and generalizability to women. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 July 50: 3 333

GENERATION EFFECT; LEGAL NONWORDS; LEXICAL ACTIVATION; MEMORY Lutz, John, Amanda Briggs and Kristy Cain. An examination of the value of the generation effect for learning new material. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 April 130: 2 171

HELP-SEEKING BEHAVIORS Timlin-Scalera, Rebecca M. {et al.}. A grounded theory study of help-seeking behaviors among white male high school students. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 July 50: 3 339

HETEROSEXISM Smith, Nathan Grant and Kathleen M. Ingram. Workplace heterosexism and adjustment among lesbian, gay and bisexual individuals: The role of unsupportive social interactions. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2004 January 51:1 57


INTERACTIONS ACROSS THE VISUAL FIELD; MOTION ILLUSIONS; VISION Reinhardt-Rutland, A.H. Induced rotational motion with non-abutting inducing and induced stimuli: implications regarding two forms of induced motion. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 July 130: 3 260

LIST METHOD DIRECTED FORGETTING; RETRIEVAL INHIBITION Wilson, Steffen Pope, Katherine Kipp and Kevin Chapman. Limits of the retrieval-inhibition construct: list segregation in directed forgetting. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 October 130: 4 359


MEDIATION AND MODERATION Frazier, Patricia A, Andrew P. Tix and Kenneth E. Barron. Testing moderator and mediator effects in counseling psychology research. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2004 January 51:1 115

NULL HYPOTHESIS; SIMULATION STUDY; T TEST Riopelle, Arthur J. Functional anatomy of the null hypothesis and of tests of it. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 January 130: 1 47

OVERSEAS EDUCATION Swagler, Michelle A. and Micahel V. Ellis. Crossing the distance: adjustment of Taiwanese graduate students in the United States. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 October 50:4 420

PARANORMAL BELIEF; SELF-ASSESSMENT; SUPERSTITION Rudski, Jeffrey. What does a “superstitious” person believe? Impressions of participants. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 October 130: 4 431

PERFECTIONISM Chang, Edward C, Angela F. Watkins and Kira Hudson Banks. How adaptive and maladaptive perfectionism relate to positive and negative psychological functioning: testing a stress-mediation model in black and white female college students. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2004 January 51:1 93

PERFECTIONISM O’Connor, Rory C. and Daryl B. O’Connor. Predicting hopelessness and psychological distress: the role of perfectionism and coping. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 July 50: 3 362

PERFECTIONISM Sherry, Simon B., Paul L. Hewitt and Gordon L. Flett. Perfectionism dimensions, perfectionistic attitudes, dependent attitudes, and depression in psychiatric patients and university students. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 July 50: 3 373

PERSONAL GROWTH Robitschek, Christine. Validity of personal growth initiative scale scores with a Mexican American college student population. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 October 50:4 496

PRECISION; RELIABILITY; SAMPLE SIZE Charter, Richard A. Study samples are too small to produce sufficiently precise reliability coefficients. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 April 130: 2 117

PROCESS-EXPERIENTIAL PSYCHOTHERAPY Honos-Webb, Lara, William B. Stiles and Leslie S. Greenberg. A method of rating assimilation in psychotherapy vased on markers of change. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 April 50: 2 189

PSYCHOTHERAPY Lichtenberg, James W. and Terence J. G. Tracey. Interaction rules and strategies in psychotherapy. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 July 50: 3 267


QUESTIONNAIRE Vermeersch, David A… {et al.}. Outcome questionnaire: is it sensitive to changes in counseling center clients. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2004 January 51:1 38

RACE AND ETHNICITY Armstrong, Patrick Ian, Lawrence Hubert and James Rounds. Circular unidimensional scaling: a new look at group differences in interest structure. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 July 50: 3 297

RACISM AND STRESS Liang, Christopher T.H, Lisa C. Lee and Bryan S.K. Kim. The Asian American racism-related stress inventory: development, factory analysis, reliability, and validity. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2004 January 51:1 103

RAPE; SEXUAL ASSAULT Jimenez, Jorge A. and Jose M. Abreu. Race and sex effects on attitudinal perceptions of acquaintance rape. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 April 50:2 252

RELIGION AND SPIRITUALITY Johnson, Chad V. and Jeffrey A. Hayes. Troubled spirits: prevalence and predictors of religious and spiritual concerns among university students and counseling center clients. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 October 50:4 409

SELF-DISCLOSURE Kim, Bryan S. K…{ et al.}. Counselor self-disclosure, East Asian American client adherence to Asian cultural values, and counseling process. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 July 50: 3 324

SELF-DISCLOSURE Vogel, David L. and Stephen R. Wester. To seek help or Not to seek help: the risks of self-disclosure. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 July 50: 3 351

SELF-DISCLOSURE; SEXUAL ORIENTATION Mohr, Jonathan J. and Ruth E. Fassinger. Self-acceptance and self-disclosure of sexual orientation in lesbian , gay, and bisexual adults: an attachment perspective. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 October 50:4 482

SELF-ESTEEM AND SEXIST DISCRIMINATION Moradi, Bonnie and Linda Mezydlo Subich. Examining the moderating role of self-esteem in the link between experiences of perceived sexist events and psychological distress. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2004 January 51:1 50

SEXUALITY Dillon, Frank R. and Roger L. Worthington. The lesbian, gay, and bisexual affirmative counseling self efficacy inventory (LGB CSI): development, validation, and training implications. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 April 50:2 235

SOCIAL CLASS Lee, Richard M. and Brooke L. Dean. Middle-class mythology in an age of immigration and segmented assimilation: implication for counseling psychology. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2004 January 51:1 19

SOCIAL CLASS Liu, William Ming… {et al.}. Using social class in counseling psychology research. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2004 January 51:1 3


QUESTIONNAIRE Vermeersch, David A… {et al.}. Outcome questionnaire: is it sensitive to changes in counseling center clients. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2004 January 51:1 38

RACE AND ETHNICITY Armstrong, Patrick Ian, Lawrence Hubert and James Rounds. Circular unidimensional scaling: a new look at group differences in interest structure. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 July 50: 3 297

RACISM AND STRESS Liang, Christopher T.H, Lisa C. Lee and Bryan S.K. Kim. The Asian American racism-related stress inventory: development, factory analysis, reliability, and validity. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2004 January 51:1 103

RAPE; SEXUAL ASSAULT Jimenez, Jorge A. and Jose M. Abreu. Race and sex effects on attitudinal perceptions of acquaintance rape. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 April 50:2 252

RELIGION AND SPIRITUALITY Johnson, Chad V. and Jeffrey A. Hayes. Troubled spirits: prevalence and predictors of religious and spiritual concerns among university students and counseling center clients. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 October 50:4 409

SELF-DISCLOSURE Kim, Bryan S. K…{ et al.}. Counselor self-disclosure, East Asian American client adherence to Asian cultural values, and counseling process. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 July 50: 3 324

SELF-DISCLOSURE Vogel, David L. and Stephen R. Wester. To seek help or Not to seek help: the risks of self-disclosure. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 July 50: 3 351

SELF-DISCLOSURE; SEXUAL ORIENTATION Mohr, Jonathan J. and Ruth E. Fassinger. Self-acceptance and self-disclosure of sexual orientation in lesbian , gay, and bisexual adults: an attachment perspective. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 October 50:4 482

SELF-ESTEEM AND SEXIST DISCRIMINATION Moradi, Bonnie and Linda Mezydlo Subich. Examining the moderating role of self-esteem in the link between experiences of perceived sexist events and psychological distress. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2004 January 51:1 50

SEXUALITY Dillon, Frank R. and Roger L. Worthington. The lesbian, gay, and bisexual affirmative counseling self efficacy inventory (LGB CSI): development, validation, and training implications. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 April 50:2 235

SOCIAL CLASS Lee, Richard M. and Brooke L. Dean. Middle-class mythology in an age of immigration and segmented assimilation: implication for counseling psychology. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2004 January 51:1 19

SOCIAL CLASS Liu, William Ming… {et al.}. Using social class in counseling psychology research. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2004 January 51:1 3


VOCATIONAL ATTITUDES Kenny, Maureen E… {et al.}. The role of perceived barriers and relational support in the educational and vocational lives of urban high school students. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 April 50: 2 142