Thursday, September 13, 2007


ADOLESCENTS; CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE TEST; FAMILIAL; IMPULSIVITY; PARENTS Dougherty, Donald M., {et al.}. Familial transmission of continuous performance test behavior: attentional and impulsive response characteristics. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 January 130: 1 5

ADULTS; CHILDREN; DIRECTED FORGETTING; ENCODING; INHIBITION; SEMANTIC MEMORY Lehman, Elyse Brauch… {et al.}. Directed forgetting of related words: evidence for the inefficient inhibition hypothesis. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 October 130: 4 380

ADVISING RELATIONSHIPS Schlosser, Lewis Z… {et al.}. A qualitative examination of graduate advising relationships: the advisee perspective. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 April 50: 2 178

AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL; CONFIRMATORY FACTOR ANALYSIS; DYNAMIC SPATIAL TESTS; SPATIAL ABILITY; SPATIAL TESTS Contreras, Ma Jose. Is static spatial performance distinguishable from dynamic spatial performance? A latent-variable analysis. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 July 130: 3 277

ALLIANCE DEVELOPMENT Stiles, William B… {et al.}. Patterns of alliance development andthe rupture-repair hypothesis: are productive relationships u-shaped or v-shaped? Journal of Counseling Psychology 2004 January 51:1 81

ANGER Deffenbacher, Jerry L… {et al.}. Characteristics of two groups of angry drivers. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 April 50: 2 123

ANXIETY; FEAR; SPIDER PHOBIA; THOUGHT SUPPRESSION Wenzel, Amy, Tara C. Barth and Craig S. Holt. Thought suppression in spider-fearful and nonfearful individuals. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 April 130: 2 191

ASSAULTS; MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS; TRAUMA; VICTIMIZATION Arthur, Gary L., Joel O. Brende and Stacy E. Quiroz. Violence: incidence and frequency of physical and psychological assaults affecting mental health providers in Georgia. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 January 130: 1 22

ATTENTION; AUTOMATICITY; READING Marmurek, Harvey H. C. Coloring only a single letter does not eliminate color-word interference in a vocal-response stroop task: automaticity revealed. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 April 130: 2 207

AUDITORY ADAPTATION; CONTRAST; IPSILATERAL COMPARISON PARADIGM; LOUDNESS ADAPTATION Jones, Keith S… {et al.}. Loudness adaptation: fact or artifact?. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 October 130: 4 341

AVOIDANCE BEHAVIOR; EXPECTACY; FEAR; S-R THEORY; S-S THEORY Unger, William… {et al}. The S-S construct of expectancy versus the S-R construct of fear: which motivates the acquisition of avoidance behavior?. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 April 130: 2 131

BODY FOCUS; BODY SIZE; GENDER Lokken, Kristine… et al}. Gender differences in body size dissatisfaction among individuals with low, medium, or high levels of body focus. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 July 130: 3 305

BULIMIA Cashel, Mary Louise… {et al.}. Sociocultural attitudes and symptoms of Bulimia: evaluating the SATAQ with diverse college groups. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 July 50: 3 287

CAFFEINE; JUDGMENTS OF LEARNING; METAMEMORY; STATE-DEPENDENT MEMORY Kellemen, William L. and Catherine E. Creeley. State-dependent memory effects using caffeine and placebo do not extend to metamemory. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 January 130: 1 70

CAREER; POSSIBLE SELVES Robinson, Barbara S., Kathleen L. Davis and Naomi M. Meara. Motivational attributes of occupational possible selves for low-income rural women. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 April 50: 2 156

CAREER CHOICE Caldera, Yvonne M… {et al.}. Intrapersonal, familial, and cultural factors in the commitment to a career choice of Mexican American and non-Hispanic white college women. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 July 50: 3 309

CAREER CHOICE Lent, Robert W… {et al.}. Relation of contextual supports and barriers to choice behavior in engineering majors: test of alternative social cognitive models. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 October 50:4 458

CAREER CHOICES Nauta, Margaret M. and Douglas L. Epperson. A longitudinal examination of the social-cognitive model applied to high school girls’ choices of nontraditional college majors and aspirations. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 October 50:4 448

CAREER INDECISION Guay, Frederic… {et al.}. Predicting career indecision: a self-determination theory perspective. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 April 50: 2 165

CAUSAL REASONING; CONDITIONALIZING; CONTINGENCY LEARNING; HUMANS Goodie, Adam S., Cristina C. Williams and C.L. Crooks. Controlling for causally relevant third variables. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 October 130: 4 415

CENTRAL DETAILS; EYEWITNESS TESTIMONY; TRAUMATIC EVENTS Riniolo, Todd C… {et al.}. An archival study of eyewitness memory of the Titanic’s final plunge. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 January 130: 1 89

CHILDREN; EVENT-RELATED POTENTIALS; ND; P3; RESPONSE SELECTION; SELECTIVE ATTENTION; STIMULUS SELECTION Bartgis, Jami, Alesha R. Lilly and David G. Thomas. Event-related potential and behavioral measures of attention in 5-, 7-, and 9-year-olds. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 July 130: 3 311

CLIENT ATTACHMENT Woodhouse, Susan S… {et al.}. Client attachment to therapist: relations to transference and client recollections of parental caregiving. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 October 50:4 395

CLIENT GIFTS Knox, Sarah… {et al.}. Here’s a little something for you: how therapists respond to client gifts. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 April 50: 2 199

CLINICAL DECISION ERRORS; RELIABILITY; TRUE SCORES; TRUE-SCORE CONFIDENCE INTERVALS Charter, Richard A. A breakdown of reliability coefficients by test type and reliability method, and the clinical implications of low reliability. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 July 130: 3 290

CONDITIONED TASTE AVERSION; CS-PREEXPOSURE EFFECT; GOLDEN HAMSTER; LEARNED SAFETY Dibattista, David, Laurie Hollis-Walker and Leslie Hague. The CS-preexposure effect in conditioned taste-aversion learning in golden hamsters. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 October 130: 4 446

CONSUMER SATISFACTION Nielsen, Stevan Lars… {et al.}. The consumer reports effectiveness score: what did consumers report? Journal of counseling psychology 2004 January 51:1 25

COPING Wei, Meifen, P. Paul Heppner and Brent Mallinckrodt. Perceived coping as a mediator between attachment and psychological distress: a structural equation modeling approach. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 October 50:4 438

CROSS-RACIAL PSYCHOTHERAPY Knox, Sarah… {et al.}. African American and European American therapists’ experiences of addressing race in cross-racial psychotherapy dyads. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 October 50:4 466

DEPENDENT CORRELATIONS; MONTE CARLO SIMULATION; STATISTICAL POWER; TYPE I ERROR RATE; SERO-ORDER Hittner, James B., Kim May and N. Clayton Silver. A Monte Carlo evaluation of tests for comparing dependent correlations. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 April 130: 2 149

DISABILITY IMPACT AND CAREER WOMEN Noonan, Brigid M… {et al.}. Challenge and success: a qualitative study of the career development of highly achieving women with physical and sensory disabilities. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2004 January 51:1 68

DRAWING; IMAGERY; KEYWORD METHOD; MNEMONIC; RECALL Campos, Alfredo, Maria Angeles Gonzales and Angeles Amor. Limitations of the mnemonic-keyword method. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 October 130: 4 399

DREAM SESSIONS Hill, Clara E… {et al.}. Working with dreams using the Hill cognitive-experiential model: a comparison of computer-assisted, therapist empathy, and therapist empathy + input conditions. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2003 April 50: 2 211

DYNAMIC ATTENDING; RHYTHM PERCEPTION; TEMPORAL REGULARITY Tekman, Hassan Gurkan. Effects of accenting and regularity on the detection of temporal deviations: does regularity facilitate performance?. The Journal of General Psychology 2003 July 130: 3 247

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